Baxton Studio Madibah Modern and Contemporary Ivory Handwoven Wool Area Rug

Item #: BSMadibah-Ivory-Rug
Availability: Backordered
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Display chic style in your home with the modern elegance of the Madibah rug. Handwoven in India, this rug is comprised of wool. Raised threads form an angular pattern that creates rich texture and depth with geometric appeal. The ivory hue conveys a clean, contemporary feel that that adds a modern touch to any interior. A refined rendition of classic design, the Madibah rug is a stylish update to any space.


  • Handwoven in India
  • 100% wool
  • Flatweave
  • Contains latex
  • Indoor use only
  • Due to the handmade nature of the item, there will be a slight variation in size and color for each item received
  • Vacuum clean or spot clean with a dry, un-dyed cloth

    Natural raw materials used for construction of our furnishings will have variations in areas such as (but not limited to) color, pattern, grain and texture. This includes substances such as wood and leather. These variations may appear in different surfaces of a single item, an area of a product when compared with that same area on an identical product, or on differing surfaces of different pieces of a matching set.
  • Details

    Dimensions: 0.4" High x 63" Wide x 90.6" Deep;

    Shipping dimension:

  • CTN 1: 67 x 9.25 x 6.75